> Data > NORTH EAST  
Date of Publish: 2016-08-31
Year  Cattle cross breed  Cattle indigenous  buffalo Goat  Total Milk 
2014-15 246.06 475.03 126.25 25.64 872.98
2013-14 247.17 465.61 128.56 16.15 857.39
2012-13 247.01 450.42 128.72 18.65 844.9
2011-12 236.53 455.49 123.41 22.94 838.37
2010-11 230.79 471.14 106.19 24.6 932.72
2009-10 202.15 495.55 107.52 24.64 829.86
2008-09 183.6 507.36 109.89 26.14 827.01
2007-8 181.33 506.42 109.26 27.38 824.39

Milk Production in Assam (in million liters)

Contrary to the recommended norms  of Indian Council Medical Research which is 208 ml per head per day, per capita /per day milk consumption in Assam is only 74 ml, according to the Economic Survey of Assam, 2015-16. 

There has been  a steady growth of milk production in Assam in recent period.  However, estimated per day per capita consumption has remained almost same with the increase in population.

Total milk production in Assam during 2014-15 was 872.98 million litres, against 857.39 during 2013-14. This was an 1.9 per cent growth from the previous year.

The survey reveals that milk processing capacity has been increased from 15,000 liters per day in 2006-07 to 2,16,000 liters per day in 2014.

Indigenous cattle  still contribute to  large share of the state’s total milk production with  54.41 per cent of the entire milk production. Contribution of crossbreed milk to the entire milk production is 28.18 per cent. Altogether Cattle milk contribute to 82.61 per cent of the total milk production of the state. Sharing of Buffalo milk to total milk production is 14.46  per cent and goat milk 2.94 per cent.

The  utilization data of milk, published by State Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department has shown that approximately 41.28 per cent of total.  milk is consumed by households as fluid milk.  Our of the remaining quantity 59.70 per cent is sold as fluid milk, and only 29.43 per cent is used as milk product.

Assam's share of India's total milk production was less than 1 per cent (0.57 per cent) during the year 2014-15.

However, the silver lining is that rural Assam has many success stories of dariy development. Please click the following link to watch a video story highlighting one such success story of Bajali area in lower Assam's Bartpeta district. 


Data  Source  - Economic Survey, Assam 2015-16

Compilation - nezine.com Editorial Desk


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