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Date of Publish: 2023-05-04



Literature and society in northeast: Writer Anupama Borgohain sheds light on the Assamese novel Ledolam by writer and novelist Juri Borah Borgohain and published by Banphool Prakashan

This podcast is an episode of a series on Literature and society in northeast. In this special podcast series we bring you review, analysis and observation on books, creative works reflecting history, culture and society in India’s northeast region. Music- Priyanuj Parashar


Flower business blooms in Assam
A few Poems by Arjun Das
Assam’s anger- Citizenship (Amendment) Act will undermine the Assam Accord and alter the demography of the state
Twisted- 6
Statistical information relating to the influx of Refugees from East Bengal into India till 30th September, 1971- Part 10
Kerunyi - a festival of the Angamis to mark the begining of paddy transplantation
Farming, feasting, fasting : Life in a Naga village (A photo essay)