> Data > NORTH EAST  
Date of Publish: 2018-09-12

ST Households in Rural Northeast : Of the total 23.17 lakh households, 4.08 lakh are landless, monthly income of highest earning member in 17.42 lakh households is less than 5000


Altogether 4,08,324 households of the total 23,16,676 rural households beloning to ethnic families enlisted as "Scheduled Tribe" in eight Northeastern states are landless and they derive major part of their income from manual casual labour. Socio Economoic Caste Census, 2011 data also show Meghalaya tops the list with total 147983 households out of total 439077 rural households in the state falling in this category, percentage being 33.70.

Table- ST Households ( Rural)

States Total Households Landless households deriving major part of their income from manual casual labour % Households with Non -agricultural enterprises registered with government %
SIKKIM 33968 3350 9.86% 1574 4.63%
ARUNACHAL PRADESH 156213 5982 3.83% 4439 2.84%
NAGALAND 267000 11236 4.21% 5452 2.04%
MANIPUR 232023 17492 7.54% 2910 1.25%
MIZORAM 110270 8117 7.36% 3722 3.38%
TRIPURA 257966 81071 31.43% 17935 6.95%
MEGHALAYA 439077 147983 33.70% 8968 2.04%
ASSAM 820159 133093 16.23% 27445 3.35%

Percentagewise, Tripura follows Meghalaya with 31.43 per cent of total 257966 ST Households ( Rural) included in this category in the state. In Assam, 1,33,093 households out of total 820159 ST households ( Rural) are landless.

States Households with salaried job % Households with salaried job in Public % Households with salaried job in private %
SIKKIM 7010 20.64% 174 0.51% 1274 3.75%
ARUNACHAL PRADESH 24043 15.39% 1091 0.70% 1036 0.66%
NAGALAND 50654 18.97% 2108 0.79% 6709 2.51%
MANIPUR 30563 13.17% 1593 0.69% 6819 2.94%
MIZORAM 10769 9.77% 1081 0.98% 5556 5.04%
TRIPURA 30758 11.92% 1397 0.54% 871 0.34%
MEGHALAYA 37034 8.43% 3934 0.90% 11225 2.56%
ASSAM 71468 8.71% 4790 0.58% 13348 1.63%

Of the total 23,16,676 ST Households ( Rural) in the region, only 2,62,299 households have salaried job and the highest earning family member of as many as 17,42,585 housholds earns less than Rs. 5000 in a month. While the highest earning family member of 3,36,951 households has monthly income between Rs. 5000 and Rs. 10000 and there are 2,36,979 households with highest earning member with monthly income more than Rs. 10000.

States Monthly Income of highest earning household number is <5000 % Monthly income of highest earning household number is 5000-10,000 % Monthly Income of highest earning household number is >10,000 %
SIKKIM 25233 74.28% 4139 12.18% 4541 13.37%
ARUNACHAL PRADESH 113597 72.72% 21424 13.71% 21189 13.56%
NAGALAND 186686 69.92% 38743 14.51% 41566 15.57%
MANIPUR 149638 64.49% 51682 22.27% 30701 13.23%
MIZORAM 84847 76.94% 14667 13.30% 10756 9.75%
TRIPURA 215179 83.41% 22093 8.56% 20608 7.99%
MEGHALAYA 333865 76.04% 68252 15.54% 36955 8.42%
ASSAM 633540 77.25% 115951 14.14% 70663 8.62%


Source : Socio-Economic Caste Census- 2011


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