> Creative > Poem  
Dilip Phookan
Date of Publish: 2024-02-11

A few poems by Dilip Phookan





Droupadi kowtowed like a bunch of ripen paddy .


Draupodi came out on a bloody evening

The dried leaves of the Hickory tree fell down on the howling of the foxes.


On that time

By spreading out and out the attires

Beautiful Radha was estimating

The Silk cloth of Suwalkuchi

The Varanasi Saree ,

The Ghaghra of Rajasthan ,

The Blue jeans ,




The darkness was kept concealing a mature physique

Naked Droupadi .


Droupadi learnt the grammar of tigress



Droupadi burnt like coal

A piece of the univers was knocked down on heat

Droupadi passed through a paddy field





(Background story:The Company produced eleven million kilogram of tea leaves, a record volume in the year and opened it to world market and earned highest profit from it.)


The day on which the news of bonus spread out

Yes, on the very day Sombari gave birth a stone.

It's her seventh 'child'.

Gazed into the flesh she spitted upon it.


Joseph put this seventh 'child'

hurriedly on the cradle of good earth and drank seven glasses of cheap wine.

He still hears the beats of Madal.

His black naked calf of legs trembled but overcome the long path

by captivating an imaginary waist of a lass who holds his grotesque

body while in dance.


Sombari casted wonderful names to each

of the seven buried babies,

Plucking fresh leaves and chanting hymns she sprinkled restorative water

on the heads of sevens.


Her fingers moved like wave,

wave after wave,

As if simply playing a harmonium by a tidal wave

Her dumb throat about to burst as if a blackish river wants to come out speedily.


On Monday Sombari spitted for one more time.


The story of watermelon princess

That was the day

Weather of storm and thundering

Like a tree slanted in wind

She bowed down and prayed

Oh cloud! Please sum up curb your weapons

Raising her hands on highway she screamed

Oh wind please cool down.

Nothing happened

Only a destructive wavy path

Stayed opened swallowing a watermelon in dream,

She became pregnant

And like a thunder she entered into the watermelon

Getting in touch with the beauty of her picturesque

The inner self at the watermelon become fully reddish

Immediately some orphan molecule surrounds her and uttered

Mummy, please tell us a story


How could she tell the story of a moon?

When carrying down from the sky and backed on a Teflon frying pan

The moon become hot, afflicted, voiceless and halted


One day the moon turned into a nymph

Carried wit her with the scars of fire


Those who believe in UFO and alien

Some among them, a morning walker

Got a new-born girl child

In a half-eaten watermelon

On her body, are the scars of fire


The Bharatbarisa


Then my wife was engulfed in the T.V. serials

My daughter was busy in cooking a continental dish

in the kitchen. Tuna & Caper Panzanella dish,

something like this. Strange sense of taste.


And I am in my bed enthralled in dream of moonlight

Illusive moonlight, A red lily in the moonlight

A bunch of Saccharum leaning in a relative distance.

The Saccharum wanted to take an interview of mine.


Sir, what do you know, what you don't know?

She seemed to be familiar with me.


Oh dear, I don't know whether the gods cultivate or not.

Why the festivity the nymphs is fabulous, don't know.

Why the seers are full of anger, why render to curse, don't know that.

Don't know why God is invisible.

Why the holy books contain the subject of war, don't.

Don't know that why an epic wasn't written with the matters of Cultivation,

Cultivator and Paddy field.


Then Sir, what do you know?


To my knowledge,only one thing--

Men learned the use of fire

The he who knows the use of fire is human

The animals don't know that use of fire.


But oh dear, what is your name?



Priya Basumatary.


Suddenly the Saccharum


The moon also hid, the red lily shined in the place of the moon

Blood dropped from the petals like dew drops

In the Bharatabarisa


Woke up hustle and touched my body

Blood only blood

As I am the Bharatabarisa myself

Overturning in the bed of blood.

The Warbler


Making my heart worthless where did you fly away

The warbler

Unable to perceive .


The queen of night of my yard blossoms in darkness

The fermentive aroma pleasantly innervates .


One day the boys played hide and seek on the field

Now the field plays the hide and seek

The hide and seek blasts like booms.


The Warbler

With you took away the fragrance of the queen of night

A bowl of fresh blood is what you left for me.




Flood copulated my mother

So I was born

So am a mud-born lotus


My mother is still sleeping

In the extremity of that marsh

In the mudy bed


Pouring the fluid of mud and water

She is decorating me with colours


My invisible physique is in the womb of water

My visible physique is

on the water


Prose and Poetry of love


Q-At Auschwitz, tell me ,where was God?

A-Where was men?

--William Styron


The naked women

Aged, young, teenagers came into the bathroom.

Slacking the cloths of of the physique one mother

wanted to see the dawn of the chest of a teenager

Just like the pollens of the East will illuminate the Sky!


The girl bathed with the rays of the raising sun

About to die in shame

With the two hands wanted to hide the two buds of rose.


Firming the panty of the waist

The mother touched the uncovered body

Is this the line of union of the Sky and the ocean?

Is this the last gift of the earth ?

Is this the begging of the physique- festival?


Pushing her to the 'bathroom ', the mother stunned.

This is the last chapter of intimidation?


After that standing on the threshold of the bathroom, roared:

Rudolf Hess-know it better

What type of bathroom is this!


I don't have fear for death

Ohh.. to the innocent children ,yours...


Faugh ..Faugh! blame you

After a short while, there will be no space for you in this earth!

Good bye....


There after in the 'Gas chamber' of the bathroom

Smoke of 'Cyclone- B'

Writhing for a few minutes

Howling of emptiness

Endless silence

In the outside

Under the open sky

Two indignant

Children of three years

Holding the hand of an one year old child

Is teaching to walk

In the bosom of the earth.


She was a snail

Why forced into a shell


Converted her hot breathing into

Your triumphant outcry


Blowing her lifeless body

Reverberated the surrounding


She was a snail

Why converted into a conch




No blood

No flesh

No smile

A statue of grief .

A fable is capturing the surrounding

Tears of statue.


The floood comes

Flood of tears


Every house is submerging

Only water

Screams .


Stream of flood

Stream of blood

Stream of flesh


A statue of sorrow.




After hunting too many people

There is no scar of blood

In his face or in his claws


He is so powerful



King of beasts

Great King



All poems have been translated from original Assamese into English by Gayatri Devi Borthakur


About the poet:

Dilip Phookan, is a leading poet and novelist of Assam. His collections of poetry include Biplab Plaban, Dailola Satore Jot, Dunai Agnit Akhopi Phute, Daibat Ejhali Deohanh. He has also penned down a novel-Jalpadumor Panchoi. His another book, Lokajeevanor Manodhwani, is a critical analysis of folktales.

Dilip Phookan is awarded Dhrubajyoti Bora Sahitya Puraskar, 2022, by North East Foundation for his unique contribution to the field of literature.

About the translator:

Gayatri Devi Borthakur is a poet, translator, writer. Her translated poems have been published in different anthologies, newspapers, journals and magazines. She has also participated in 'Mulakat' programme of of Sahitya Academy.


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