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Date of Publish: 2021-03-14

A few poems of Jnan Pujari

Night Blossoms

Knock, Knock, Knock

Knocking at the dead of night

Mother looked at the son, son at the


Father at his darling daughter


Not to worry, he shall return tomorrow.

Just a little matter of questioning

little matter of questioning

Questioning, mother murmured.


What is happening? What?

Mother brought her eyes down,

Father looked at his darling daughter,

Daughter said; there is questioning

Questioning, whispered the people.


Knock, Knock, Knock

The people gathered around into



The people became crowds

And said: There is questioning

Yes, we want to ask questions

(Translated from original Assamese into English by Gopal Das)

Night Blooming Flowers

The pigeon on flight

the sun of silver necks

the sun of golden necks


No one suspected

She would be chosen

of the Goddess


No one thought

the streaming moon

would suckle the earth


It was the blind boy

Who flew the pigeon

and stuck in its beak a blade of grass

putting his eyes in the light of hers

he was groping for his lost….

O dear me!


On this stone god

the mother poured a pitcherful of water

Offered betel nut, flowers, sandal paste

the stones emitted vomit, spit and cough

and a host of fleas

You only emit

and leave around shit

O my blind god,

prove it

prove it that the boy too was stone

burnt out coal

that he was a flea

(Translated from original Assamese into English by Pradip Acharya)


At the day break

The trees stretching out their leaves said:

We want poetry



Playing with fire


In the anemic world

The child slips down from the hand

The mother takes no notice of that even


Incessant lightning outside


still you want poetry




I play with fire

Even today

(Translated from Assamese into English by Prabhat Bora )

The Loom

As the bird forsakes its feathers

As the tree forsakes its seeds

New feathers grow

New seeds sprout


And there the light spreads out its looms

‘Light o light’ shouting and shouting

Barmaina went out this road, never to return


Like the morning star, O mother

A decade disappears in the apples of my eyes

Like the fire burning out in the hearth


At day break

Each red eye like a burning ember

Keeping its eye on my eye, says

Haven’t you got the smell of blood oozing out of my wound

Haven’t you seen my body drenched in blood?

I am the ‘chandaal’ watching each corps in the cremation ground

My heart is burning with fatread

Rise, O rise warm your hand on the embers of my chest

(Translated from original Assamese into English by Prabhat Bora)

A cluster of fire

Slowly and slowly

The misty apparitions surrounded the masturd flowers

like the flames of fire


Each star melts down to the apple of the eye of mustard flowers

The moonlit night was lacerated

in the soft plenty of the mustard flowers


In the spring of the sleepless night

the exhausted fingers were sharpened

to sting


The flowers inflamed

with each touch of hungry lips

where the sweat and soil joined

We shivered silently

at the smell of the blooming flowers

Slowly and slowly

The dewdrops were descending

The clear crystals of moonshine

like the springing grasshopper scattered

over the fleshly bosoms of the mustard flowers


The mists trembled like the frightened guzzles


In my subdued heart fresh seedlings

nourished tenderly

the mustard flowers as though a cluster of flowers

(Translated from original Assamese into English by Prabhat Bora)

About the poet

Jnan Pujari (1948) is a leading poet and a translator. His collections of poetry include Duhsahosor Somoy (1983), Puwa Gadhulir Beli(1992), Kotha Malitar Gadha (1997) , Banariya Ghah( 2006) Meghmalar Bhraman (2013) and Pani Rangar Jalkowori(2017).

He has also translated a number of plays including Chandra Chur ( original Habir Tanvir’s Chrandas chor) Chakrabehu( Ratan Thiams Chakraview) Nathaboti Anathbot( original Naathvati Anaathvat by Saoli Mitra) Akolsariya ejoni ( Original - Dario Fo’s A womn alone) Kola Ghorar Ranga Jon( Original - Federico Garcia Lorca’s Blood Wedding ).

He was awarded prestigious Sahitya Akademi for Meghamalar Bhraman (2016), and Krantikaal award for his contribution to literary world.


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