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Date of Publish: 2017-05-16

Statistical information relating to the influx of Refugees from East Bengal into India till 30th September, 1971- Part 4

Government of India,

Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation,

Department of Branch Secretariat

( For a series of reports on the issue of Influx in Assam during creation of Bangladesh please visit the previous parts published on February 21, March 2,7,14,21,30 and April 4, 13, 21, 25, May 2, 9)


16. Outline of Anti Malnutrition Programme for Refugees from the East Bengal

The Government of India has devised a plan to deal with the urgent nutritional problems of infants and pre-school children among the refugees. The programme fall into two categories- Viz-

  1. Supplementary feeding with a view to arrest mal-nutrition in time, before it reaches the advance stage requiring medical treatment. The scheme envisages the establishment of 1000 Feeding Centres to cover nearly 2 million beneficiaries, which will include children under 5 year of age requiring supplementary feeding on a mass-scale, also the children between 5-8 years of age as well as expectant women, and lactating mothers. The agency for implementing will be mainly the Indian Red Cross Society.
  2. Establishment of Therapeutic Centre for treatment of children suffering from advanced stage of malnutrition and requiring of medical treatment: The scheme envisages opening of 500 Nutritional Therapy Centres which will be adjuncts to the hospital of various refugee camps. Each centre will handle on an average 230 children suffering from severe malnutrition. To start will 100 Nutritional Therapy Centres 70 in West Bengal and remaining 30 in Assam, Tripura and Meghalaya will be established and number will be gradually extended to cover the entire refugee population suffering from malnutrition. The scheme will be implemented under the technical guidance and overall supervision of a High Power Coordinating and and Policy Committee for Nutritional Relief.
  1. Important Medicines Supplied by the Government of India to the Various State Governments for Refugees from East Bengal.
  1. Replaceable fluids like normal Saline, Molar Lectate – 3,00,000 bottles.
  2. Anti Cholera Vaccine --- 1,08,00,000 doses.
  3. Bleaching powder – 40 tonnes
  4. Multi Vitamin tablets – 85,00,000 tablets
  5. Halazone tablets – 21,00,000 tablets
  1. Medical facilities Provided for Refugees from East Bengal
  1. Number of Doctors engaged – 800
  2. Number of para medical staff engaged – 2100
  3. Number of medical students engaged – 50
  4. Medical Stores Supply Depot Functioning

Depotes -

  1. Calcutta
  2. Gauhati


  1. Agartala
  2. Tura
  3. Dhubri
  4. Karimganj
  1. Medical Units Functioning (in camps) – 700
  2. Referral hospitals functioning (existing and new) – 50
  3. Number of persons inoculated – 6,000,000
  4. Number of persons vaccinated – 4700,000
  5. Epidemic Cholera, gasto-entritis

Attack – 47,633(persons)

Deaths – 6,110(persons)

  1. Number of patients treated for different -- 23,00,000
  1. Daily per capita expenditure on Refugees from East Bengal
  1. Food – Rs.1/(recurring)
  2. Shelter materials – Rs. 0.47 ( non-recurring)
  3. Shelter construction -- Rs. 0.40 ((Non-recurring)
  4. Sanitary and water supply arrangements – Rs. 0.30(Recurring)
  5. Medical – Rs. 0.10 (Recurring)
  6. Clothing and utensils – Rs. 0.15( Non- recurring)
  7. Transport – Rs. 0.06 (Recurring)
  8. Administration – Rs. 0.04 (Recurring)
  9. Miscellaneous -- Rs. 0.25(Recurring)
  1. Funds allotted by the Government of India to the State Government for Relief Work
  1. Assam – Rs. 6,55,00,000
  2. Bihar—Rs. 50,00,000
  3. Meghalaya—Rs. 6,00,00,000
  4. Madhya Pradesh – Rs. 65,00,000
  5. NEFA – Rs. 5,00,000
  6. Tripura – Rs. 14,81,00,000
  7. Uttar Pradesh – Rs,5,40,000
  8. West Bengal – Rs. 20,20,00,000

Total – Rs. 57,81,40,000


Commodity Rupee-value Name of the foreign country
A Shelter materials
1 Plastic sheeting 399,80,794 UICEF, Australia,
West Germany, Japan
USA and Switzerland
2 Tents 36,68,800 West Germany, East Germany
and UK
3 Tarpaulins 23,28,500 Australia, West Gemrany
and UK
4 Shelters 82,080 UK
B Baby food
1 Baby food 1,63,160 United Kingdom, Australia
2 Milk Powder 3,53,415 Singapore, West Germany
3 Condensed milk 21,180 Singapore, Australia
4 Milk Biscuits 5,392 New Zealand
C Food
1 Rice 215,49,908 USSR and Japan
2 Canned Fish 4,39,076 Holland
D Clothings 25,500 East Germany
E Medical Supplies
1 Medicine, etc 127,86,263 UAR, Iran, West Germany,
East Germany, France,
Belgium, Canada, WHO, Malaysia
New Zealand, Switzerland, Brazil
Kuwait, Australia, Vietnam and
2 Mosquito nets 1,93,050 U.K.
3 Stretchers 1,03,725 U.K.
4 Ground Sheet 1,17,936 U.K.
5 Blankets 2,17,625 U.K.
6 Ice-box 4,180 U.K.
7 Campinng Beds 80,000 U.K.
8 Fully equipped beds for
9 Leather cloth
F Vehicles
1 Jeeps 56,25,000 UNICEF
2 Ambulances and accessories 1,20,000 West Germany
3 ISUZU Diesel Trucks 144,00,000 UNICEF
Total 1022,65,584


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