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Date of Publish: 2017-04-25

Statistical information relating to the influx of Refugees from East Bengal into India till 30th September, 1971

Government of India,

Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation,

Department of Branch Secretariat


( For a series of reports on the issue of Influx in Assam during creation of Bangladesh please visit the previous parts published on February 21, March 2,7,14,21,30 and April 4, 13, and 21)



In the period following the Civil War and Pak Army atrocities in East Bengal, our country has had to face the unending trial of influx of refugees crossing border from all points. During the short span of 190 days as many as 9 million refugees have sought refuge in India. The rate of Influx has been as high as 2000 persons per hour round the clock from 25th March 1971 to 30th September 1971. The influx still continues unabated. On humanitarian considerations, the Government of India have extended a massive relief assistance to the entering trains of refugees.

This booklet is on Statistical information relating to the influx of Refugees from East Bengal into India till 30th September, 1971” is the third in series. It seeks to present certain basic information on the refugees and reflects the magnitude of the problem in different regions and the efforts made by the Government and volunteer organisations to provide them with the much needed assistance. Data contained in this booklet is also consists on the trend of influx, comparative study of the refugee population, with the normal population of the States, refugee population in camps and outside, various amenities provide to the refugees and relief aid materials received from foreign countries etc.

PN Luthra

Additional Secretary to the Government of India,

Calcutta, the 15th October, 1971


1. Influx of refugees from East Bengal into India since partition

(persons in thousand)


Name of the states Between 1947 and February 1971 From March nwards
Assam 701 277
Bihar 9
Meghalaya 604
Tripura 517 1350
West Bengal 4013 6851
Total 5231 9091


2. Causes of migration of refugees from East Bengal

(persons in thousand)


Causes Assam Bihar Meghalaya Tripura West Bengal Total
A. Partition of India Between 15th August 1947 and 31st March 1958 487 374 3256 4117
B. Communal riots in Pakistan between 1st January 1964 and 24th March 1971 214 143 757 1114
Civil war and Pak Army attrocities ni East Bengal from 25th March 1971 to 30th September 1971 277 9 604 1350 6851 9091


3. Trends of current influx

Month Average daily Monthly arrivals
April,1971 57 1221
May, 1971 102 3158
June, 1971 68 2056
July, 1971 26 797
August, 1971 34 1055
September, 1971 27 804
Total 9091

4. General Influx of refugees Vis-a-Vis normal population in the concerned states

(persons in thousand)

State 1971 Census Refugee Population
Assam 14,952 277
Bihar 56383 9
Meghalaya 983 60.4
Tripua 1575 1350
West Bengal 44,440 6851

5. Monthly statewise arrivals of refugees from East Bengal

(persons in thousand)

Month Assam Bihar Meghalaya Tripura West Bengal Total
Apr-71 36 1 78 90 1016 1221
May-71 106 1 158 641 2252 3158
Jun-71 74 5 43 295 1639 ????
Jul-71 23 1.5 38 169 565 796
Aug-71 15 0.5 73 101 866 1055
Sep-71 23 214 54 513 804
Total 277 9 604 1350 6851 9091



(Source : Assam State Archives)


A few poems of Tirthajyoti Borah
Statistical information relating to the influx of Refugees from East Bengal into India till 30th September, 1971- Part 7
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