> Creative > Poem  
Kalyanee Arandhara
Date of Publish: 2023-09-09

A few Haiku poems by Kalyanee Arandhara



Kitty jumps at the lizard

A window pane in between

Transparent distance


A whiff of a breeze

Leaves my grey stands redolent

Autumn melancholy


An owl hoots

Hands search for mother

A wet pillow



On a sunflower field

Awaiting a new dawn


Her arrival—

A breath of fresh air

In a smoke-filled room


Approaching twilight

I look forward to every new dawn


Warring clouds

Somewhere a drought soaks up

The first drops


The old lighthouse

Dozens rudderless boats

Lost in the ocean


About the poet

Kalyanee Arandhara is a teacher by profession. Before entering into the field of education, she had worked with several media houses along with a monthly magazine. She writes articles and poems including haiku as a passion to express her observance of the socio-political changes, especially in Northeast India. She also guides children with interest in creative writing. She hasn't published any of her works as a compilation as yet except for publishing those in newspapers and magazines from time to time.


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