> Byline > Seasonal Fruits In Guwahati One Must Try  
Date of Publish: 2019-06-15
Submited By: Baibhab Acharyya
Contact: [email protected]
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During summer season, it is common to lose your appetite which makes us stay away from heavy foods. In summers we only like taking in liquids than solid foods. Our body tends to maintain temperature by perspiring heavily, thus we need more amount of water to keep our body hydrated.

It is advised to consume vegetables and fruits when they are available in their particular season or month. It is affordable to buy them and it is more abundant and you can stock for future use as well. They are tastier when consumed when they’re in season, naturally ripened ad significantly delicious taste than their artificial counterparts. Seasonal fruits & vegetables retain the most natural colour and flavor in their particular months. They are considered more nutritious and a good source of vitamins


1.     MANGO.


 Mangoes not only taste good but has many health benefits. Some of its benefits are-


* It helps in maintaining cholesterol level.

* It helps in cleansing skin.

* It helps in regulating diabetes.

* It helps in alkalizing your body.

* It a way to lose weight and aids good digestion.

* It helps in strengthening immune system and prevents heat stroke.

* It improves concentration and memory and helps to increase iron level and calcium content in their bodies.



2.     CHERRY.


One cup of this tasty summer delight can keep the doctor away ,aid you when it comes to cancer and age-related diseases, and most importantly help you get a good night’s sleep. Find out the top six reasons to eat more of these super fruit cherries. Some of its benefits are-


·        It helps to lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

·        It helps to lower the risk of heart disease.

·        It helps to improve memory and get a goodnight’s sleep.

·        It helps in post-exercise pain.


3.     GRAPE


Grapes are grown in temperate climates across the world. Grapes offer a wealth of health benefits due to their high nutrient and antioxidant contents. Some of its health benefits are-


·        Packed with nutrients, especially vitamins C and K that helps in blood clothing and healthy bones.

·        High antioxidant contents may prevent chronic diseases.

·        May decrease blood sugar levels and protect against diabetes.

·        Protect against common eye disease and infection.

·        Helps in increasing stamina by a small margin and strengthened bones.


4.     GUAVA.


Guava is a tropical fruit, and the most underrated among the lot is guava!


This particular fruit is mostly ignored by a lot of people, mainly due to its hard chewy and full of seeds body. This fruit has a sweet and a bit of sour taste, can be clubbed with other fruits to prepare a nice fruit salad or juice.

Guava has several health benefits, it is a powerhouse of soluble fibers and is great for digestion.


Some of its health benefits are-


·        Keeps you hydrated.

·        Full of vitamin C and antioxidants.

·        Increases good cholesterol and is diabetes friendly.

·        It’s heart healthy and treats constipation.

·        Improves eyesight.

·        Helps preventing cold and cough.

·        It’s has anti ageing properties and improves complexion and textures.

·        It’s good for your brain and it helps in weight loss.



5.     LITCHI


Litchi is also a tropical fruit native to low elevation of China, Taiwan and South East Asia. It is a seasonal fruit found plenty during the summer seasons. In India litchi is cultivated in Muzaffarpur, Bihar and in North India. Muzaffarpur produces 75% of India’s total litchi production.


Some of its health benefits are-


·        It normalizes the blood pressure and heart rate thereby protecting against strokes and coronary heart disease.

·        Its phosphorus and magnesium components helps in maintaining strong and healthy bones.

·        It has anti-ageing benefits and protects from free radicals through its skin friendly nutrients like thamin, niacin and copper.

·        It helps in maintaining healthy hair through vitamin C which plays an active role in maintaining the integrity of micro-circulation, thus ensuring adequate supply of blood to your hair follicles.



In conclusion there are many benefits to consuming fruits and vegetables daily. We know from the healthy plate example, that fruits and vegetables will not supply us with everything our body needs but it does make up a good portion of it.

Hopefully this webquest provided you with plenty of information that will encourage not just to eat more fruits but to living a healthy lifestyle and eating a healthy diet that includes all food groups.



Baibhab Acharyya.

Photo source: CHIRANJOY LANGTHASA (Instagram- @_lost_in_assam_)






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