> Data > Assam  
Date of Publish: 2016-10-05

ASSAM HDR 2014: Fertility rate dips but early marriage is still a major issue in the state


Assam Human Development Report 2014 has revealed that the fertility rate of women in the state has shown a gradual declined. However, early marriage and teen-age motherhood is still a major issue in the state.  

It has also shown that marriage in the age-group 15-19 is very high among the illiterate section and those who have very low level of education. 

Total Fertility Rate Assam, SRS 2013

Place  Illiterate  Total literate Without formal education  Below Primary  Primary  Middle  Class X Class XII Graduate and above
Total  3.7 2 3.4 2.6 2.6 2.2 1.7 1.2 1.1
Rural  3.7 2.1 3.6 2.7 2.6 2.3 1.7 1.3 1.1
Urban 2.1 1.5 1.1 1.9 2.1 1.7 1.4 1 1.1


Quoting SRS data, 2013, the HDR 2014 states that the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in the state is almost at par with the national level. The TFR for rural areas is 2.4, and for urban areas it is 1.5. The National average of TFR for rural areas is 2.5, while for urban areas it is 1.8.


Place TFR
Assam  2
Rural  2.2
Urban  1.4


The Assam HDR Survey, 2013 has revealed that in religious category TFR is highest among the Muslims, followed by Christians and Hindus.


Religion  TFR
Hindu  1.7
Muslim  2.9
Christian  1.8


The Survey, the largest ever in the state for development evaluation, has also revealed that in spatial diversity category, TFR is the highest in Char areas, multiple diversity areas, border areas and in flood affected areas.


Place TFR 
Char areas  2.8
Flood affected ares  2
Hills areas  1.8
Tea-garden areas  1.8
Border areas  2.1
Multiple  2.5
General  2


The Assam HDR Survey, 2013 has also shown that 15.6 per cent of rural women and 7.6 per cent of urban women still get married in the age group of 15-19. In religious category, it is high among the Muslims, followed by the Hindus and the Christians.

In social category, it is the highest among the SCs, followed by OBCs and STs. In spatial diversity category marriage in the age-group of 10-19 is highest in Char areas, followed by multiple diversity areas, border areas and flood-affected areas.  Among the illiterate women, the percentage is alarmingly high at 38.5.



Rural  15.6
urban  7.6
Hindu 11.1
Muslim 23.3
Chritian 8.6
General 17.1
SC 12.9
ST 12.1
OBC 12.8
General 17.1
Char areas 25.3
Hill Areas 13.5
Tea garden areas 11.6
Multiple Diversities 16.2
General 13.5
Illiterate  38.5
Up to Middle 34.4
Up to Higher Secondary 33.7
Above Higher Secondary





  • The Assam HDR Survey, 2013 has shown that TFR is closely related with education, social and regilious class and regional  development.
  • It also reveals that early marriage and teen-age motherhood is still a major issue in rural Assam, as well as also in urban Assam.
  • It has also revealed the urgent need to initiate policy at the highest level targeting vulnerable areas to check early marriage and teen-age motherhood.

The Assam HDR Survey, 2013 covered 39,998 households covering 187,511 individuals in 27 districts, 97 Blocks, 95 urban centres, 1972 villages of the state.

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