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Date of Publish: 2015-08-17


Dr. Hiren Gohain, National Question and the Post-colonial India
Namghar: A living cultural repository of Assam
Forest cover in India’s northeast: Of 3698 sq km forest cover lost by the region in past 10 years, 1020 sq. km was lost in just 2 years between 2019 and 2021
Rupkonwar Jyotiprasad Agarwala’s philosophy of Art is a powerful weapon to counter communalism- a special podcast by Ratna Bharali Talukdar on Shilpi Divas
Black soft-shell turtles: Extinct in wild, but Hayagriva Madhab temple pond in Assam rekindles conservation hopes
Breaking barriers: Pushed by agrarian crisis, Assam’s female Nagara Naam artistes now dominate the centuries-old performing art form that used to be a male domain
Sewali- A short story by Manaswinee Runumi Mahanta