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Githarthi Borah
Date of Publish: 2024-02-04

A few poems by Gitarthi Borah


The Vibrant River


The river, as if, existing near to youthfulness

What a relation between the river and vibrant!

The morning of the vibrant lit up

In the heart of the river

The river guides the vibrant

To do wishful thinking

The dreams turn to reality

Accompanying with the river

In the heart of the river

The vibrant draws a photo of love

Using brass of feeling

The intact love story is immortal

Of laws of maintaining

The current of the river with vivid manner

The simple straight songs

Enriched with vibrant lively manner composed

The tunes echoed in the heart of the river

The happiness and enthusiasm come down

To the bank of the river

This river is the source of power of youthfulness

The youthfulness draws the meaning of labour …

The river, as if, the zeal of youthfulness …..

The river, as if, the courage of youthfulness …..

The river, as if, the hope of youthfulness …..

The pains of life, obtained or not, accumulated

In the heart of youthfulness

The evenings of youthfulness are merged

In the heart of the river

The youthfulness is, as if, invincible

Bearing a mangled mind

The current of the river says that ‘Power’ …..

The river is, as if, a real poetry of the youthfulness.


The Afternoon Time of Life


The afternoon time of life emerged

Like the delightful reddish radiance of Sun setting

With full of perception for life …..

The afternoon time of life turns pleasant

With the influence of memories of

Melodious child hood …..

Amusement of child hood, dreams of child hood

Tales of the child hood

A wickedness picture associates

At that moment of life


The afternoon time of life consoles again

As if, the child hood

As if, the child hood delighted nearer as own

The dreams and expectations of child hood age

Like the real events

The life has to face real challenge

During the afternoon period of life

The memory of dreams of childhood may like real

A light of perception of life is shown

The love and hope of child hood age

The lap of life, as if, made beautiful again

The life wants at its’ afternoon period

Some moments, as if, enriched with the enthusiasm

In the heart of afternoon period of life

The days of youth hood reverberated

At that moment the mind is stroke

Again and again

With the river of youth hood age

As if, the vivid songs sung again

On the bank of the beloved river

The heart is fulfilled with love

A de novo life emerged

In the heart of afternoon life

The light tuning with new hope and aspirations

The picture of reality reflected

The Sun of youth hood rises again

In the heart of afternoon life

The sweet memory of childhood, adolescence

And youth hood draw the true picture of life

In the heart of afternoon life

The life feels the dreams to alive …..


The Adolescence


The affectionate soft dreams of adolescence

Planted in the heart maintaining vivid manner

These dreams are accompany of life …..

As and when move in the heart of adolescence

The bashfulness-vanity of adolescence

Move forward two steps ahead

Gradually enriching with the depth

The desire emerges out to revalue the dreams

As if, the soft dreams teach to the adolescence

The meaning of tough reality

As if, the adolescence is a beautiful poem, where

The words of life invite the youth hood …..

The adolescence, as if, a sweet touch

This touch draws ‘Rainbow’ of seven colours

In the heart of life

The life is fulfilled with infinite dreams

In the child hood age

The child hood imagines the hopes of youth hood

The youth hood love...

The youth hood courage...


The dreams of successful youth hood start

In the heart of child hood

The life to demand

Staying the step

On the heart of youth hood

To write a beautiful poem

Taking in judgment

The micro-feelings of adolescence


The Home of Longing


The longings of your heart want

A fresh touch of the longing of my heart

Both the longings have the amity of mutual depth

Anxious calling of your longing of heart

Come! Build an affectionate home

In our heart

Using our longings

A lovely world will be created

In the wonderful home enriched with

In the home

Our lives will be safe haven

In the lovely world

And our longings will be of more depth

The new dreams to compose with new hopes

In the home

One picture to draw using soft brass

In each and every rooms

Our heartfelt feelings will be beautiful

In the campus

The moonlight would be available

In our hearts during midnight

The morning sunshine would enlighten our hearts

The whole hearted touch be drawn

With lovely discussion mutually

What about the envious feelings?

The moonlight in the affectionate home can’t be deleted

By the envious feelings

The whole hearted love be crystallized

In the home

Both the hearts be also crystallized

Our affectionate Moon wouldn’t be stopped

In the sky of terror

The sky of terror would be distempered

In the affectionate moonlight


The soft home of longing of both the hearts

The fight against terror would be started

Through the lively moonlight of the home

A new society would be reestablished

With the hopes of longing and love


The Struggle

The emaning of terror is unintelligible for the unlucky child

His heart feels wailing searching its meaning

The child prefers the meaning of affection, words and language of love

The ceration of kind world defeats the words of terror

The soft heart of the child does not feel the meaning of corruption


The dad of the child is victimized for corruption

The cfild wants good administration, good conduct


The child understands the meaning of good administration,

good conduct gradually


The child should currage to his unlucky dad

He has to start tough struggle against corruption

The Child dislike envious words,moments utterly

He does not want ot know meaning of murder

His relativs have to face the murder, terror

His only weapon is innocent struggle to fight againts terror

His mind with innocent struggle is very strong than the envious words

The child sees sighting slightly but indisticnctly

He is ready to save the light

Translated from original Assamese into English by Kailash Choudhury

About the poet

Gitarthi Borah is a teacher in the Department of English, Cotton Collegiate Higher Secondary School, Guwahati. She has written poems and short stories for different magazines. Her poems express passionate thoughts about modern life as well as the complex and intricate compassion of real society. The sensitive poet portrays the dreams and emptiness of modern human through emotional poems. The poet's deep love for life is one of the inspirations for her poetry.


About the translator:

Kailash Choudhury is the Ediotr, Assam Post.


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